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Autor Thema: Englisch trotz deutscher Version
ID # 292

  Erstellt am 17. Mai 2018 17:40 (#1)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Moin Freiräumer ;-)

Ich hab mal in meiner Box gekramt und das Freespace 1 und 2 gefunden und bin beim weiteren Rumsuchen im I-Netz auf die deutsche Portierung in HD gestoßen.
Hab mir wie nach Anleitung die Daten(FreiRaum_Freespace2 und Freiraum_fsport:_1.0.2.3) runtergeladen und über mein FS2 gebügelt. Mit dem wxLauncher den Mod aktiviert paar Einstellungen für Grafik und Joystik gemacht und gestartet. Läuft! Leider ist die Sprachausgabe und Textausgabe im Briefing sowie in den Missionen komplett englisch.
Habsch was überlesen? :heul:

Natürlich kann man sich über Leute ärgern... Man kann aber auch Kekse essen.

Beiträge: 7 | Mitglied seit: Mai 2018 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 169

  Erstellt am 18. Mai 2018 02:07 (#2)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Kann mir höchstens vorstellen, dass er irgendwie eine fs2open.ini mit englischer Spracheinstellung erstellt hat, die dann die Spracheinstellung durch die mitgelieferten Dateien überschreibt.
Ist mir persönlich nie passiert, gerade weil im Falle der deutschen Version eigentlich sogar standardmäßig die deutsche Spracheinstellung im Spiel eingestellt sein sollte.

Eine Möglichkeit wäre entweder, alles über Knossos zu regeln und entsprechend bei den FreiRaum Modifikationen auf Audiosprache German zu schalten oder den Sprachumschalter aus der Between the Ashes-Übersetzung (liegt im Downloadarchiv in einem eigenen Ordner vor, nur dieser wird benötigt) zu benutzen.

Da du meinen FreeSpace2 Installer ausdrücklich erwähnst, sollte es sich wohl um den aktuellen wxLauncher handeln und zumindest den 3.8.0 Builds. Das heißt, die Windows Registry sollte eigentlich nicht mehr benutzt werden.

Falls du den portable Mode benutzt, sollte sich im FreeSpace2-Installationsverzeichnis eine fs2open.ini befinden. Falls du diesen nicht benutzt, befindet sich diese stattdessen im %appdata%\HardLightProductions\FreeSpaceOpen-Ordner.
Diese kannst du mit Wordpad/Editor/Notepad öffnen.

Falls es dort unter [Default] eine Zeile namens Language=English gibt, dann entferne diese.
Gibt es diese Zeile nicht, dann kannst du Language=German am Ende der [Default]-Sektion hinzufügen, was ich allerdings tatsächlich eher weniger empfehle, weil das einfach Inkompatibilitäten zu englischsprachigen Modifikationen bringt, weshalb es diese eher notdürftige Lösung mit dem BtA-Sprachumschalter gibt, weil der entsprechend das Spiel nach Fortführung des Umschalters wieder so einstellt, damit man auch englische Sachen spielen kann. Knossos ist da komfortabler, weil man das dann einfach in den Optionen umschaltet. Macht allerdings auch wieder Neudownloads notwendig, wenn man bereits die Installer/Manuelle Lösung verwendet.

FreiRaum: FreeSpace Port und ggf. FreeSpace 2 hast du im wxlauncher aber auch schon als aktuelle Modifikation angewählt nehme ich an? (Frage nur zur Sicherheit, ist auch schon an den einfachsten Dingen gescheitert)

Falls das alles nicht hilft, dann versuchen wir was anderes.

In der FreeSpace Community dabei seit 1999!
Game-Producerin seit 2009!

Verantwortlich für:
FreeSpace: FreiRaum - Übersetzungsprojekt, welches eine Textübersetzung diverser FreeSpace Modifikation ins Deutsche durchführt.
2367: Supernova - Kampagne, die FreeSpace 2 neuinterpretiert.
Out of the Shadow - Nova Safiya Edition - Remake der 'Out of the Shadow'-Kampagne.

Ehemalige FreeSpace Projekte:
FreeSpace 2: Nova - Eigene Buildserie (2007-2017), Colony Wars: Remastered - Colony Wars Remake (Abbruch 2011) & StarLancer: The Sol War - StarLancer Remake und Fortsetzung (Release 2015, DMCA Takedown 2017)

Beiträge: 349 | Mitglied seit: November 2009 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 292

  Erstellt am 18. Mai 2018 20:15 (#3)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Hallo Novachen!

Ich lad grad den BtA Mod zum Testen.
Es gibt eine fs2_open.ini unter AppData, da war Language=German ungefähr in der Mitte drin. Habs testweise mal auf Englisch gestellt, da war alles Englisch - verständlich. Dann habsch's komplett gelöscht, wieder wie vorher beschrieben.
Das Build ist 3.8.0 AVX.
Was mir noch aufgefallen ist... der wxLauncher speichert meine Einstellungen nicht. Ich muss immer wieder das Game root folder auswählen, die executable und den Mod, obwohl ich auf speichern klicke.


Der SuperTux

Natürlich kann man sich über Leute ärgern... Man kann aber auch Kekse essen.

Beiträge: 7 | Mitglied seit: Mai 2018 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 169

  Erstellt am 18. Mai 2018 21:53 (#4)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Was mir noch aufgefallen ist... der wxLauncher speichert meine Einstellungen nicht. Ich muss immer wieder das Game root folder auswählen, die executable und den Mod, obwohl ich auf speichern klicke.

Ja, das ist leider ein mir bekanntes Problem. Das ist meine Schuld, da mir seinerzeit bei der Erstellung der Profile was schief gelaufen. Aber alleine deswegen habe ich nicht mehrere GB neu hochladen wollen, weshalb das im Zuge der nächsten Hauptversionen behoben wird.
Tatsächlich würde ich daher empfehlen einfach ein neues Profil zu erstellen gegenwärtig. Auch wenn wohl innerhalb der nächsten Wochen da neue kommen.

Also damit ich das richtig verstehe. In der fs2open.ini gab es den Language=German Eintrag und trotzdem war alles Englisch? Also englische Texte?! :haeh:

Habs testweise mal auf Englisch gestellt, da war alles Englisch - verständlich. Dann habsch's komplett gelöscht, wieder wie vorher beschrieben.

Da du das gesondert erwähnst, klingt das so, als würde es da irgendwelche Unterschiede geben?
Wie sehen diese Unterschiede denn aus?
Da du ja sagst, dass es nicht geht, müsste es doch so oder so englisch sein?

Ansonsten, starte mal FreiRaum: FreeSpace 2 ganz normal mit der deutschen Einstellung mit einem Debug Build und poste mal die fs2open.log (im Ordner wo die fs2open.ini ist dort unter /data) in [hide] tags, damit das aufklappbar ist.

Eigentlich müsste sich das Spiel in Deutsch umschalten...

In der FreeSpace Community dabei seit 1999!
Game-Producerin seit 2009!

Verantwortlich für:
FreeSpace: FreiRaum - Übersetzungsprojekt, welches eine Textübersetzung diverser FreeSpace Modifikation ins Deutsche durchführt.
2367: Supernova - Kampagne, die FreeSpace 2 neuinterpretiert.
Out of the Shadow - Nova Safiya Edition - Remake der 'Out of the Shadow'-Kampagne.

Ehemalige FreeSpace Projekte:
FreeSpace 2: Nova - Eigene Buildserie (2007-2017), Colony Wars: Remastered - Colony Wars Remake (Abbruch 2011) & StarLancer: The Sol War - StarLancer Remake und Fortsetzung (Release 2015, DMCA Takedown 2017)

Beiträge: 349 | Mitglied seit: November 2009 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 292

  Erstellt am 18. Mai 2018 23:19 (#5)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Nochmal mit dem Umstellen... Wenn ich auf Englisch umstelle ist es so, dass natürlich alles in Englisch ist, logisch ;-)
Mit German ist die Sprachausgabe in Englisch (Briefing und Mission) Der Briefingstext ist deutsch und der Text in der Mission englisch.
In Freespace 2 ist es ein wenig anders. Sprache im Briefing kommt Deutsch über ne Computerstimme, in der Mission redet mein Fluglehrer englisch. Hab auf ihn geschossen und siehe da... Bildinput mit deutscher Sprachnachricht "Ungültiges Ziel" also ein Misch-Masch :ka:

Hier die log:
DEBUG SPEW: No debug_filter.cfg found, so only general, error, and warning
categories can be shown and no debug_filter.cfg info will be saved.
Opened log 'data/fs2_open.log', Fri May 18 23:08:32 2018 ...
Initializing SDL...
FreeSpace 2 Open version: 3.8.0
Passed cmdline options:
-spec_exp 11
-ogl_spec 60
-spec_static 0.8
-spec_point 0.6
-spec_tube 0.4
-ambient_factor 75
-mod FreiRaum_freespace2,MediaVPs_2014
Building file index...
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2_Missionen.vp' with a checksum of 0x2950de08
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2_Stimmen.vp' with a checksum of 0x24dc105f
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2_Texte.vp' with a checksum of 0xe1031381
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_A-Glows.vp' with a checksum of 0xd8f529e2
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_Assets.vp' with a checksum of 0x23b7997e
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_CB_ANI_1.vp' with a checksum of 0xa69eade8
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_CB_ANI_2.vp' with a checksum of 0x070ae320
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_Effects.vp' with a checksum of 0x6fbd3357
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_Music.vp' with a checksum of 0x6c8f665e
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_RadarIcons.vp' with a checksum of 0x04a9e65a
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_Root.vp' with a checksum of 0x107a739e
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\multi-mission-pack.vp' with a checksum of 0x377695e0
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\multi-voice-pack.vp' with a checksum of 0xd50e7442
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\Root_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xce10d76c
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\smarty_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x0098ee1f
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\sparky_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x749032a2
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\sparky_hi_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x566add58
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\stu_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xf2983309
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\tango1_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xd4e3ad49
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\tango2_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x799e46a1
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\tango3_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x825f5ee0
Found root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\warble_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xa7037300
Searching root 'C:\Users\SuperTux\AppData\Roaming\HardLightProductions\FreeSpaceOpen\FreiRaum_freespace2\' ... 0 files
Searching root 'C:\Users\SuperTux\AppData\Roaming\HardLightProductions\FreeSpaceOpen\MediaVPs_2014\' ... 0 files
Searching root 'C:\Users\SuperTux\AppData\Roaming\HardLightProductions\FreeSpaceOpen\' ... 4 files
Searching root 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2\' ... 0 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2_Missionen.vp' ... 35 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2_Stimmen.vp' ... 145 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2\FreiRaum_freespace2_Texte.vp' ... 2 files
Searching root 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\' ... 0 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_A-Glows.vp' ... 1735 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_Assets.vp' ... 2015 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_CB_ANI_1.vp' ... 32 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_CB_ANI_2.vp' ... 57 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_Effects.vp' ... 2063 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_Music.vp' ... 32 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_RadarIcons.vp' ... 24 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\MediaVPs_2014\MV_Root.vp' ... 848 files
Searching root 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\' ... 43 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\multi-mission-pack.vp' ... 110 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\multi-voice-pack.vp' ... 307 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\Root_fs2.vp' ... 157 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\smarty_fs2.vp' ... 10 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\sparky_fs2.vp' ... 3027 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\sparky_hi_fs2.vp' ... 1337 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\stu_fs2.vp' ... 1777 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\tango1_fs2.vp' ... 32 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\tango2_fs2.vp' ... 15 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\tango3_fs2.vp' ... 10 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Users\SuperTux\Games\Freespace2\warble_fs2.vp' ... 52 files
Found 28 roots and 13869 files.
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_root-lcl.tbm' ...
Setting language to German
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_root-lcl.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'xstr_dimension-tlc.tbm' ...
Game Settings Table: Using Standard Loops For SEXP Arguments
Game Settings Table: Using standard event chaining behavior
Game Settings Table: External shaders are DISABLED
Initializing OpenAL...
OpenAL Vendor : OpenAL Community
OpenAL Renderer : OpenAL Soft
OpenAL Version : 1.1 ALSOFT 1.18.1

Found extension "AL_EXT_float32".
Found extension "ALC_EXT_EFX".
Enhanced sound is enabled.

Sample rate: 96000 (48000)
EFX version: 1.0
Max auxiliary sends: 2
Playback device: OpenAL Soft on Lautsprecher (SB Audigy)
Capture device: OpenAL Soft on Mikrofon (SB Audigy)
... OpenAL successfully initialized!
Initializing SDL video...
Initializing OpenGL graphics device at 1600x1200 with 32-bit color...
Requested SDL Pixel values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, stencil: 8, double-buffer: 1, FSAA: 0
Requested SDL Pixel values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, stencil: 8, double-buffer: 1, FSAA: 0
Actual SDL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, stencil: 8, double-buffer: 1, FSAA: 0
OpenGL Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL Renderer : GeForce GTX 660 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL Version : 4.1.0 NVIDIA 390.77

Compiling new shader:
Particle Effects
Loading built-in default shader for: effect-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: effect-particle-f.sdr
Shader Variant Features:
Compiling new shader:
Particle Effects
Loading built-in default shader for: effect-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: effect-particle-f.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: effect-screen-g.sdr
Shader Variant Features:
Geometry shader point-based particles
Compiling new shader:
Distortion Effects
Loading built-in default shader for: effect-distort-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: effect-distort-f.sdr
Shader Variant Features:
Compiling new shader:
Shield Decals
Loading built-in default shader for: shield-impact-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: shield-impact-f.sdr
Shader Variant Features:
Compiling new shader:
Deferred Lighting
Loading built-in default shader for: deferred-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: deferred-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'specFactor'.
Shader Variant Features:
Compiling new shader:
Clear Deferred Lighting Buffer
Loading built-in default shader for: deferred-clear-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: deferred-clear-f.sdr
Shader Variant Features:
Compiling passthrough shader...
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: passthrough-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: passthrough-f.sdr
Shader Variant Features:

Compiling passthrough shader...
Max texture units: 2 (32)
Max client texture states: 2 (1)
Max elements vertices: 1048576
Max elements indices: 1048576
Max texture size: 16384x16384
Max render buffer size: 16384x16384
Can use compressed textures: YES
Texture compression available: YES
Post-processing enabled: NO
Using trilinear texture filter.
OpenGL Shader Version: 4.10 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
... OpenGL init is complete!
Initializing path renderer...
Size of bitmap info = 890 KB
Size of bitmap extra info = 64 bytes
ANI cursorweb with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI cursorweb.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
GRAPHICS: Initializing default colors...
SCRIPTING: Beginning initialization sequence...
SCRIPTING: Beginning Lua initialization...
LUA: Opening LUA state...
LUA: Initializing base Lua libraries...
LUA: Beginning ADE initialization
ADE: Initializing enumeration constants...
ADE: Assigning Lua session...
SCRIPTING: Beginning main hook parse sequence....
Wokka! Error opening file (scripting.tbl)!
TABLES: Unable to parse 'scripting.tbl'! Error message = Failed to open file.
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_flak-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_exp-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_dbrs-sct.tbm' ...
SCRIPTING: Inititialization complete.
SCRIPTING: Splash screen overrides checked
SCRIPTING: Splash screen conditional hook has been run
Using high memory settings...
Wokka! Error opening file (interface.tbl)!
WMCGUI: Unable to parse 'interface.tbl'! Error message = Failed to open file.
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-sdf.tbm' ...
Dutifully converting retail sound 36, 'l_hit.wav' to a 3D sound...
Dutifully converting retail sound 37, 'm_hit.wav' to a 3D sound...
Initializing Joystick...
Printing joystick info:
Joystick name: SideWinder Precision 2 Joystick
Joystick GUID: 5E043800000000000000504944564944
Joystick ID: 0
Joystick device ID: 0
Using 'SideWinder Precision 2 Joystick' as the primary joystick

Number of axes: 4
Number of buttons: 8
Number of hats: 1
Number of trackballs: 0
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_music-mus.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-mfl.tbm' ...
Wokka! Error opening file (armor.tbl)!
TABLES: Unable to parse 'armor.tbl'! Error message = Failed to open file.
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-amr.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_assets-aip.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_root-wxp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wxp.tbm' ...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp20.eff) with 75 frames at 20 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (ExpMissileHit1.eff) with 92 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp04.eff) with 49 frames at 22 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (noeffect.eff) with 1 frames at 1 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp05.eff) with 93 frames at 20 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp06.eff) with 92 frames at 22 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (capflash.eff) with 40 frames at 10 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Maxim_Impact.eff) with 23 frames at 30 fps.
ANI Lamprey_Impact with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particlesmoke01.eff) with 54 frames at 30 fps.
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_root-wep.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wep.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_assets-wep.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-obt.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_root-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'radar-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_assets-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_root-hdg.tbm' ...
ANI support1 with size 108x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI damage1 with size 148x25 (21.9% wasted)
ANI wingman1 with size 71x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman2 with size 35x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman3 with size 14x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI toggle1 with size 57x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI head1 with size 164x132 (48.4% wasted)
ANI weapons1 with size 126x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI weapons1_b with size 150x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI objective1 with size 149x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI netlag1 with size 29x30 (6.3% wasted)
ANI targhit1 with size 31x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI time1 with size 47x23 (28.1% wasted)
ANI targetview1 with size 137x156 (39.1% wasted)
ANI targetview2 with size 4x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targetview3 with size 7x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI 2_energy2 with size 86x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_reticle1 with size 40x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_leftarc with size 103x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_rightarc1 with size 103x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc2 with size 35x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc3 with size 41x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_lead1 with size 26x26 (18.8% wasted)
ANI 2_lock1 with size 56x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI 2_lockspin with size 100x100 (21.9% wasted)
ANI energy1 with size 12x41 (35.9% wasted)
ANI 2_radar1 with size 209x170 (33.6% wasted)
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-str.tbm' ...
TABLES => Starting parse of 'ssm.tbl'...
ANI cursor with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI cursor.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
MediaVPs: Explosions script loaded!
MediaVPs: Flaming debris script loaded!
FFmpeg library initialized!
FFmpeg: License: LGPL version 2.1 or later
Ships.tbl is : VALID
Weapons.tbl is : VALID
cfile_init() took 249
Initializing head tracking...
Failed to load library 'scptrackir.dll': 'Failed loading scptrackir.dll: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.
TrackIR Init Failed - -1
Failed to initialize 'TrackIR': Failed to initialize TrackIR.
Failed to load library '': 'Failed loading : Falscher Parameter.
Failed to initialize 'FreeTrack': Library could not be loaded!.
No supported provider found, headtracking will be disabled...
Headtracking is not enabled...
Creating player for movie 'intro.mve'.
FFMPEG Log: [theora @ 088103c0] 7 bits left in packet 82
FFMPEG Log: [ogg @ 0880f340] Broken file, keyframe not correctly marked.
FFMPEG Log: [theora @ 11b60060] 7 bits left in packet 82
FFmpeg: Using video codec Theora (theora).
FFmpeg: Using audio codec Vorbis (vorbis).
Compiling new shader:
Video Playback
Loading built-in default shader for: video-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: video-f.sdr
Shader Variant Features:
FFMPEG Log: [ogg @ 0880f340] Broken file, keyframe not correctly marked.
FFMPEG Log: [ogg @ 0880f340] Broken file, keyframe not correctly marked.
FFMPEG Log: [ogg @ 0880f340] Broken file, keyframe not correctly marked.
Got event GS_EVENT_GAME_INIT (49) in state NOT A VALID STATE (0)
PLR => Loading 'SuperTux.plr' with version 2...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Parsing: Info...
PLR => Parsing: Scoring...
PLR => Parsing: ScoringMulti...
PLR => Parsing: HUD...
PLR => Parsing: Variables...
PLR => Parsing: Multiplayer...
PLR => Parsing: Controls...
PLR => Parsing: Settings...
PLR => Loading complete!
PLR => Verifying 'SuperTux.plr' with version 2...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Parsing: Info...
PLR => Verifying complete!
PLR => Verifying 'SuperTux2.plr' with version 2...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Parsing: Info...
PLR => Verifying complete!
PLR => Verifying 'SuperTux.plr' with version 2...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Parsing: Info...
PLR => Verifying complete!
PLR => Loading 'SuperTux.plr' with version 2...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Parsing: Info...
PLR => Parsing: Scoring...
PLR => Parsing: ScoringMulti...
PLR => Parsing: HUD...
PLR => Parsing: Variables...
PLR => Parsing: Multiplayer...
PLR => Parsing: Controls...
PLR => Parsing: Settings...
PLR => Loading complete!
CSG => Unable to find campaign file 'freespace.fc2'!
Wokka! Error opening file (freespace.fc2)!
Error parsing 'freespace.fc2'
Error message = Failed to open file.
ANI 2_mainwalk.ani with size 209x477 (6.8% wasted)
ANI 2_mainflyby.ani with size 509x189 (26.2% wasted)
ANI 2_maincrane.ani with size 192x116 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_mainexit.ani with size 319x174 (32.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainbarracks.ani with size 273x158 (38.3% wasted)
ANI 2_mainreadyroom.ani with size 231x145 (43.4% wasted)
ANI 2_maintechroom.ani with size 69x119 (7.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainoptions.ani with size 337x206 (19.5% wasted)
ANI 2_maincampaign.ani with size 308x190 (25.8% wasted)
OpenGL Debug: Source:OpenGLType:PerformanceID:131154Severity:MediumMessage:Pixel-path performance warning: Pixel transfer is synchronized with 3D rendering.
Wokka! Error opening file (freespace.fc2)!
Error parsing 'freespace.fc2'
Error message = Failed to open file.
CSG => Loading 'SuperTux.FreeSpace2.csg' with version 5...
CSG => Parsing: Flags...
CSG => Parsing: Info...
CSG => Parsing: Missions...
CSG => Parsing: Techroom...
CSG => Parsing: Loadout...
CSG => Parsing: Scoring...
CSG => Parsing: RedAlert...
CSG => Parsing: HUD...
CSG => Parsing: Variables...
CSG => Parsing: Settings...
CSG => Parsing: Controls...
CSG => Parsing: Cutscenes...
CSG => Parsing: Last Missions...
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'hammer1.pcx'
CSG => Loading complete!
PLR => Saving 'SuperTux.plr' with version 2...
PLR => Saving: Flags...
PLR => Saving: Info...
PLR => Saving: Scoring...
PLR => Saving: ScoringMulti...
PLR => Saving: HUD...
PLR => Saving: Variables...
PLR => Saving: Multiplayer...
PLR => Saving: Controls...
PLR => Saving: Settings...
PLR => Saving complete!
CSG => Loading 'SuperTux.FreeSpace2.csg' with version 5...
CSG => Parsing: Flags...
CSG => Parsing: Info...
CSG => Parsing: Missions...
CSG => Parsing: Techroom...
CSG => Parsing: Loadout...
CSG => Parsing: Scoring...
CSG => Parsing: RedAlert...
CSG => Parsing: HUD...
CSG => Parsing: Variables...
CSG => Parsing: Settings...
CSG => Parsing: Controls...
CSG => Parsing: Cutscenes...
CSG => Parsing: Last Missions...
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'hammer1.pcx'
CSG => Loading complete!
ANI 2_mainwalk.ani with size 209x477 (6.8% wasted)
ANI 2_mainflyby.ani with size 509x189 (26.2% wasted)
ANI 2_maincrane.ani with size 192x116 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_mainexit.ani with size 319x174 (32.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainbarracks.ani with size 273x158 (38.3% wasted)
ANI 2_mainreadyroom.ani with size 231x145 (43.4% wasted)
ANI 2_maintechroom.ani with size 69x119 (7.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainoptions.ani with size 337x206 (19.5% wasted)
ANI 2_maincampaign.ani with size 308x190 (25.8% wasted)
Got event GS_EVENT_NEW_CAMPAIGN (26) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)
CSG => Loading 'SuperTux.FreeSpace2.csg' with version 5...
CSG => Parsing: Flags...
CSG => Parsing: Info...
CSG => Parsing: Missions...
CSG => Parsing: Techroom...
CSG => Parsing: Loadout...
CSG => Parsing: Scoring...
CSG => Parsing: RedAlert...
CSG => Parsing: HUD...
CSG => Parsing: Variables...
CSG => Parsing: Settings...
CSG => Parsing: Controls...
CSG => Parsing: Cutscenes...
CSG => Parsing: Last Missions...
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'hammer1.pcx'
CSG => Loading complete!
Got event GS_EVENT_START_GAME (1) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)
=================== STARTING LEVEL LOAD ==================
Older mission, should update it (0.10<-->0.10)
Reassigning player to squadron 53rd Hammerheads
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'hammer1.pcx'
ANI 2_Loading with size 824x43 (32.8% wasted)
ANI 2_Loading.ani with size 824x43 (32.8% wasted)
Starting model page in...
Beginning level bitmap paging...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particleexp01.eff) with 10 frames at 8 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particlesmoke02.eff) with 39 frames at 24 fps.
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-fbl.tbm' ...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (WarpMap01.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (WarpMap02.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Rock_Exp.eff) with 55 frames at 30 fps.
Loading warp model
Loading model 'warp.pof' into slot '0'
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-g.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'modelMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'projMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'textureMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'color'.
Shader Variant Features:
Shadow Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'textureMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'textureMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'textureMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'textureMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'textureMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'textureMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shieldhit01a.eff) with 23 frames at 21 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shieldhit02a.eff) with 45 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shieldhit03a.eff) with 22 frames at 30 fps.
SHOCKWAVE => Loading default shockwave model...
Loading model 'shockwave.pof' into slot '1'
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shockwave3d-glow.eff) with 159 frames at 24 fps.
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Model shockwave.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.)
SHOCKWAVE => Default model load: SUCCEEDED!!
MISSION LOAD: 'Training-1.fs2'
Hmmm... Extension passed to mission_load...
Older mission, should update it (0.10<-->0.10)
Reassigning player to squadron 53rd Hammerheads
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'hammer1.pcx'
Starting mission message count : 205
Ending mission message count : 242
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_set_soundtrack
Loading model 'fighter2t-05.pof' into slot '2'
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Submodel 'detail3' is detail level 3 of 'detail0'
Submodel 'detail2' is detail level 2 of 'detail0'
Submodel 'detail1' is detail level 1 of 'detail0'
Submodel 'detail3' is detail level 1 of 'detail2'
Submodel 'detail3' is detail level 2 of 'detail1'
Submodel 'detail2' is detail level 1 of 'detail1'
Allocating space for at least 5 new ship subsystems ... a total of 200 is now available (5 in-use).
Loading model 'Drone01.pof' into slot '3'
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Submodel 'detail3' is detail level 1 of 'detail2'
Submodel 'detail3' is detail level 2 of 'detail1'
Submodel 'detail2' is detail level 1 of 'detail1'
Submodel 'detail3' is detail level 3 of 'detail0'
Submodel 'detail2' is detail level 2 of 'detail0'
Submodel 'detail1' is detail level 1 of 'detail0'
Loading model 'Starfield.pof' into slot '4'
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Model Starfield.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.)
ANI debris01 with size 51x38 (40.6% wasted)
ANI debris02 with size 26x19 (40.6% wasted)
ANI debris04 with size 36x27 (15.6% wasted)
OpenGL: Created 512x512 FBO!
=================== STARTING LEVEL DATA LOAD ==================
ANI 2_Loading.ani with size 824x43 (32.8% wasted)
WARNING: "Sound 'MV_Warp_1.ogg' has more than one channel but is used as a 3D sound! 3D sounds may only have one channel." at sound.cpp:356
WARNING: "Sound 'MV_Boom_1.ogg' has more than one channel but is used as a 3D sound! 3D sounds may only have one channel." at sound.cpp:356
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file warp2.wav for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
Loading model 'support2t-01.pof' into slot '5'
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Submodel 'bodyb' is detail level 1 of 'bodya'
Submodel 'bodyc' is detail level 2 of 'bodya'
Submodel 'bodyd' is detail level 3 of 'bodya'
Submodel 'bodyc' is detail level 1 of 'bodyb'
Submodel 'bodyd' is detail level 2 of 'bodyb'
Submodel 'bodyd' is detail level 1 of 'bodyc'
Loading model 'Nephthys.pof' into slot '6'
Submodel 'Detail1' is detail level 1 of 'Detail0'
Submodel 'Detail2' is detail level 2 of 'Detail0'
Submodel 'Detail3' is detail level 3 of 'Detail0'
Submodel 'Detail2' is detail level 1 of 'Detail1'
Submodel 'Detail3' is detail level 2 of 'Detail1'
Submodel 'Detail3' is detail level 1 of 'Detail2'
About to page in ships!
ANI shieldft-05 with size 112x93 (27.3% wasted)
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Subach_AniBitmap.eff) with 6 frames at 5 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (PrometheusR_AniBitmap.eff) with 12 frames at 5 fps.
Loading model 'rockeye.pof' into slot '7'
Submodel 'detail1' is detail level 1 of 'detail0'
Submodel 'detail2' is detail level 2 of 'detail0'
Submodel 'detail2' is detail level 1 of 'detail1'
Loading model 'Tempest.pof' into slot '8'
Submodel 'detail2' is detail level 1 of 'detail1'
Submodel 'detail2' is detail level 2 of 'detail0'
Submodel 'detail1' is detail level 1 of 'detail0'
Loading model 'bombardier.pof' into slot '9'
Submodel 'detail1' is detail level 1 of 'detail0'
Submodel 'detail2' is detail level 2 of 'detail0'
Submodel 'detail2' is detail level 1 of 'detail1'
Loading model 'cmeasure01.pof' into slot '10'
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Loading model 'VasudanCM.pof' into slot '11'
Submodel 'detail1' is detail level 1 of 'detail0'
Loading model 'debris01.pof' into slot '12'
Loading model 'debris02.pof' into slot '13'
BMPMAN: Found EFF (PWmuzzle.eff) with 4 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Gmuzzle.eff) with 5 frames at 30 fps.
Paging in mission messages
Stopping model page in...
ANI support1.ani with size 108x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI damage1.ani with size 148x25 (21.9% wasted)
ANI wingman1.ani with size 71x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman2.ani with size 35x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman3.ani with size 14x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI toggle1.ani with size 57x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI head1.ani with size 164x132 (48.4% wasted)
ANI weapons1.ani with size 126x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI weapons1_b.ani with size 150x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI objective1.ani with size 149x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI netlag1.ani with size 29x30 (6.3% wasted)
ANI targhit1.ani with size 31x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI time1.ani with size 47x23 (28.1% wasted)
ANI targetview1.ani with size 137x156 (39.1% wasted)
ANI targetview2.ani with size 4x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targetview3.ani with size 7x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI 2_energy2.ani with size 86x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_reticle1.ani with size 40x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_leftarc.ani with size 103x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_rightarc1.ani with size 103x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc2.ani with size 35x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc3.ani with size 41x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_lead1.ani with size 26x26 (18.8% wasted)
ANI 2_lock1.ani with size 56x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI 2_lockspin.ani with size 100x100 (21.9% wasted)
ANI energy1.ani with size 12x41 (35.9% wasted)
ANI 2_radar1.ani with size 209x170 (33.6% wasted)
ANI 2_Loading.ani with size 824x43 (32.8% wasted)
ANI debris01.ani with size 51x38 (40.6% wasted)
ANI debris02.ani with size 26x19 (40.6% wasted)
ANI debris04.ani with size 36x27 (15.6% wasted)
ANI shieldft-05.ani with size 112x93 (27.3% wasted)
User bitmap 'TMP512x512+8'
User bitmap 'TMP512x512+8'
User bitmap 'TMP256x256+8'
Bmpman: 1529/4750 bitmap slots in use.
Ending level bitmap paging...
=================== ENDING LOAD ================
Real count = 374, Estimated count = 425
SCRIPTING: Starting flashy deaths script loading

Class: gtf ulysses
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtf hercules
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtf hercules mark ii
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtf ares
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtf erinyes
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtf loki
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtf pegasus
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtf perseus
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtf myrmidon
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sf mara (terrans)
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtb artemis
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtb artemis d.h.
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtb medusa
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtb ursa
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtb zeus
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtb boanerges
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtdr amazon
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtdr amazon advanced
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.45
BEDu: 5000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gts hygeia
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6

Class: gtfr triton
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.45
BEDu: 5000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: tc-tri
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.4
BEDu: 4000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtfr poseidon
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6

Class: tc 2
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: tsc 2
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: tac 1
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: ttc 1
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtc fenris
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtm hippocrates
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtc leviathan
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtsc faustus
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtg zephyrus
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.55
BEDu: 7000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gta charybdis
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.5
BEDu: 6000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtd orion
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.7
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtd hecate
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.7
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtd orion#2 (bastion)
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.7
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtd hades
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.7
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gti arcadia
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.7
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtva colossus
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 5
FE: 6
BE: 0.75
BEDu: 11000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtcv deimos
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.65
BEDu: 9000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtc aeolus
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: ntf iceni
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.65
BEDu: 9000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: ntf boadicea
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtt elysium
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtt argo
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.4
BEDu: 4000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gti ganymede
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.7
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: knossos
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 5
FE: 6
BE: 0.8
BEDu: 12000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtsg watchdog
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtsg cerberus
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtsg alastor
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gtep hermes
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: tc-meson bomb
FRM: 4
FE: 6
BE: 0.8
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 10

Class: gtsg mjolnir
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gtsg mjolnir#home
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gvf seth
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvf horus
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvf thoth
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvf serapis
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvf tauret
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvb sekhmet
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvb osiris
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvb bakha
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvf ptah
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvs nephthys
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6

Class: gvt isis
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: pvfr ma'at
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6

Class: gvfr bes
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6

Class: vac 5
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: vac 4
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvfr satis
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.45
BEDu: 5000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gvg anuket
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.55
BEDu: 7000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gvc aten
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gvc mentu
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gvcv sobek
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.65
BEDu: 9000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gvd typhon
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.7
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gvsg ankh
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvsg edjo
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gvep ra
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: gva setekh
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.5
BEDu: 6000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: gvd hatshepsut
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.7
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: sf dragon
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sf basilisk
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sf manticore
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sf aeshma
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sf mara
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sf astaroth
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sb nephilim
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sb taurvi
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sb nahema
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sb seraphim
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: st azrael
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sfr dis
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.45
BEDu: 5000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: sac 3
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.4
BEDu: 4000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: sfr mephisto
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6

Class: sc 5
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sfr asmodeus
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.45
BEDu: 5000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: sac 2
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: sc lilith
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: sc rakshasa
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.6
BEDu: 8000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: sd demon
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.7
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: sd ravana
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.7
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: sd lucifer
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.7
BEDu: 10000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: ssg trident
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: ssg belial
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1

Class: ssg rahu
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.55
BEDu: 7000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: scv moloch
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 2
FE: 6
BE: 0.65
BEDu: 9000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: sj sathanas
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 5
FE: 6
BE: 0.75
BEDu: 11000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: shivan comm node
DRM: 0.25
DE: 3
DM: 1
FRM: 1
FE: 6
BE: 0.65
BEDu: 9000
BEDM: 2.5

Class: sred
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 200
BEDi: 100

Class: lred
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 600
BEDi: 300

Class: bfred
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 2100
BEDi: 1050

Class: terslash
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 350
BEDi: 175

Class: lterslash
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 150
BEDi: 75

Class: bfgreen
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 1900
BEDi: 950

Class: lrbgreen
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 1900
BEDi: 950

Class: bgreen
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 1200
BEDi: 650

Class: sgreen
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 210
BEDi: 105

Class: svas
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 350
BEDi: 175

Class: bvas
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 1100
BEDi: 550

Class: vslash
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 750
BEDi: 375

Class: green beam
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 200
BEDi: 100

Class: mjolnirbeam
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 750
BEDi: 375

Class: mjolnirbeam#home
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 400
BEDi: 200

Class: cyclops
FR: 100
FE: 6
BEI: 0.6
BEDu: 2000
BEDi: 1000

Class: cyclops#short
FR: 100
FE: 6
BEI: 0.6
BEDu: 2000
BEDi: 1000

Class: rebel bomb
FR: 100
FE: 6
BEI: 0.6
BEDu: 400
BEDi: 200

Class: helios
FR: 100
FE: 6
BEI: 0.6
BEDu: 6800
BEDi: 3400

Class: unknown bomb
FR: 100
FE: 6
BEI: 0.6
BEDu: 1500
BEDi: 750

Class: unknown megabomb
FR: 100
FE: 6
BEI: 0.6
BEDu: 3200
BEDi: 1600

Class: shivan bomb
FR: 100
FE: 6
BEI: 0.6
BEDu: 2000
BEDi: 1000

Class: shivan bomb#short
FR: 100
FE: 6
BEI: 0.6
BEDu: 2000
BEDi: 1000

Class: shivan weak bomb
FR: 100
FE: 6
BEI: 0.6
BEDu: 400
BEDi: 200

Class: shivan megabomb
FR: 100
FE: 6
BEI: 0.6
BEDu: 6800
BEDi: 3400

Class: fusion mortar
FR: 20
FE: 6
BEI: 0.2
BEDu: 80
BEDi: 40

Class: vasudan flux cannon
FR: 20
FE: 6
BEI: 0.4
BEDu: 500
BEDi: 250
MediaVPs: Flaming debris script ACTIVE!
Level load took 13.507000 seconds.
Received post for event GS_EVENT_CMD_BRIEF during state transtition. Find Allender if you are unsure if this is bad.
Got event GS_EVENT_CMD_BRIEF (55) in state GS_STATE_START_GAME (51)
ANI 2_cb_train-01_a.ani with size 660x300 (41.4% wasted)
Frame 0 too long!!: frametime = 18.011 (18.011)
Frame 0 too long!!: frametime = 0.317 (0.317)
ANI 2_BriefMap with size 918x400 (21.9% wasted)
ANI iconwing01 with size 32x28 (12.5% wasted)
ANI iconfighter2t-05 with size 32x28 (12.5% wasted)
ANI iconSD4 with size 56x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI iconT-fighter with size 24x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI FadeiconT-fighter with size 24x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI FadeiconT-fighter.ani with size 24x29 (9.4% wasted)
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_01 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_01
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_01 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_01
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_01 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_01
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_01 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_01
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_01 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_01
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_01 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_01
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_02 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_02
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_02 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_02
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_02 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_02
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_02 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_02
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_02 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_02
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_MB_02 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_MB_02
Frame 0 too long!!: frametime = 0.636 (0.636)
ANI iconT-fighter.ani with size 24x29 (9.4% wasted)
CSG => Saving 'SuperTux.FreeSpace2.csg' with version 5...
CSG => Saving: Flags...
CSG => Saving: Info...
CSG => Saving: Missions...
CSG => Saving: Techroom...
CSG => Saving: Loadout...
CSG => Saving: Scoring...
CSG => Saving: RedAlert...
CSG => Saving: HUD...
CSG => Saving: Variables...
CSG => Saving: Settings...
CSG => Saving: Controls...
CSG => Saving: Cutscenes...
CSG => Saving: Last Missions...
CSG => Saving complete!
Got event GS_EVENT_ENTER_GAME (2) in state GS_STATE_BRIEFING (10)
Entering game at time = 58.547
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'modelMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-g.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'modelMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'projMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'textureMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'color'.
Shader Variant Features:
Shadow Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
ANI Head-CM2b.ani with size 160x120 (6.3% wasted)
Entered mission_do_departure() for Instructor
Setting mode to warpout
ANI Head-CM2c.ani with size 160x120 (6.3% wasted)
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-g.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'projMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'textureMatrix'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'color'.
Shader Variant Features:
Shadow Mapping
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Compiling new shader:
Model Rendering
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'viewMatrix'.
Shader Variant Features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Deferred lighting
Submodel Transforms
Clip Plane
Hit target speed. Starting warp effect and moving to stage 2!
Hit warp effect. Moving to stage 3!
Player warped out. Going to debriefing!
Got event GS_EVENT_DEBRIEF (33) in state GS_STATE_GAME_PLAY (2)
SOUND: C:\projects\fs2open-github-com\code\sound\ds.cpp:619 - OpenAL error = 'Invalid Operation'
Unloading in mission messages
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_DB_03 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_DB_03
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_DB_03 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_DB_03
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_DB_03 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_DB_03
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_DB_03 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_DB_03
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_DB_03 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_DB_03
SOUND ==> Could not open wave file TR1_DB_03 for streaming. Reason: File not found with any known extension.
AUDIOSTR => ErrorExit for ::Create() on wave file: TR1_DB_03
Frame 1142 too long!!: frametime = 0.570 (0.570)
OpenGL Debug: Source:OpenGLType:PerformanceID:131154Severity:MediumMessage:Pixel-path performance warning: Pixel transfer is synchronized with 3D rendering.
Got event GS_EVENT_END_GAME (4) in state GS_STATE_DEBRIEF (27)
CSG => Loading 'SuperTux.FreeSpace2.csg' with version 5...
CSG => Parsing: Flags...
CSG => Parsing: Info...
CSG => Parsing: Missions...
CSG => Parsing: Techroom...
CSG => Parsing: Loadout...
CSG => Parsing: Scoring...
CSG => Parsing: RedAlert...
CSG => Parsing: HUD...
CSG => Parsing: Variables...
CSG => Parsing: Settings...
CSG => Parsing: Controls...
CSG => Parsing: Cutscenes...
CSG => Parsing: Last Missions...
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'hammer1.pcx'
CSG => Loading complete!
ANI 2_mainwalk.ani with size 209x477 (6.8% wasted)
ANI 2_mainflyby.ani with size 509x189 (26.2% wasted)
ANI 2_maincrane.ani with size 192x116 (9.4% wasted)
ANI 2_mainexit.ani with size 319x174 (32.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainbarracks.ani with size 273x158 (38.3% wasted)
ANI 2_mainreadyroom.ani with size 231x145 (43.4% wasted)
ANI 2_maintechroom.ani with size 69x119 (7.0% wasted)
ANI 2_mainoptions.ani with size 337x206 (19.5% wasted)
ANI 2_maincampaign.ani with size 308x190 (25.8% wasted)
Frame 1142 too long!!: frametime = 0.325 (0.325)
Got event GS_EVENT_QUIT_GAME (5) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)
PLR => Saving 'SuperTux.plr' with version 2...
PLR => Saving: Flags...
PLR => Saving: Info...
PLR => Saving: Scoring...
PLR => Saving: ScoringMulti...
PLR => Saving: HUD...
PLR => Saving: Variables...
PLR => Saving: Multiplayer...
PLR => Saving: Controls...
PLR => Saving: Settings...
PLR => Saving complete!
CSG => Saving 'SuperTux.FreeSpace2.csg' with version 5...
CSG => Saving: Flags...
CSG => Saving: Info...
CSG => Saving: Missions...
CSG => Saving: Techroom...
CSG => Saving: Loadout...
CSG => Saving: Scoring...
CSG => Saving: RedAlert...
CSG => Saving: HUD...
CSG => Saving: Variables...
CSG => Saving: Settings...
CSG => Saving: Controls...
CSG => Saving: Cutscenes...
CSG => Saving: Last Missions...
CSG => Saving complete!
Freeing all existing models...
Unloading model 'warp.pof' from slot '0'
Unloading model 'shockwave.pof' from slot '1'
Unloading model 'fighter2t-05.pof' from slot '2'
Unloading model 'Drone01.pof' from slot '3'
Unloading model 'Starfield.pof' from slot '4'
Unloading model 'support2t-01.pof' from slot '5'
Unloading model 'Nephthys.pof' from slot '6'
Unloading model 'rockeye.pof' from slot '7'
Unloading model 'Tempest.pof' from slot '8'
Unloading model 'bombardier.pof' from slot '9'
Unloading model 'cmeasure01.pof' from slot '10'
Unloading model 'VasudanCM.pof' from slot '11'
Unloading model 'debris01.pof' from slot '12'
Unloading model 'debris02.pof' from slot '13'
... Log closed, Fri May 18 23:09:58 2018

Wo is eigentlich der Schalter in BtA für die Sprache?

Vielen Dank Novachen, dass du dich meiner Problemchen annimmst! :super:

Natürlich kann man sich über Leute ärgern... Man kann aber auch Kekse essen.

Beiträge: 7 | Mitglied seit: Mai 2018 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 169

  Erstellt am 19. Mai 2018 00:22 (#6)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Mit German ist die Sprachausgabe in Englisch (Briefing und Mission) Der Briefingstext ist deutsch und der Text in der Mission englisch.

Das... ist... seltsam :ohno:

Sprachausgabe ist Englisch, das ist normal und auch beabsichtigt, da es ja eine Textübersetzung ist.

Aber wieso du dann deutsche Texte im Briefing und Englische Texte in der Mission hast, verstehe ich ehrlich gesagt überhaupt nicht.

Werde mal selbst meine deutsche Version von FreeSpace2 nochmal installieren und mir das angucken. Versuche das irgendwie mal zu reproduzieren und melde mich im Laufe des Tages nochmal.

In Freespace 2 ist es ein wenig anders. Sprache im Briefing kommt Deutsch über ne Computerstimme, in der Mission redet mein Fluglehrer englisch. Hab auf ihn geschossen und siehe da... Bildinput mit deutscher Sprachnachricht "Ungültiges Ziel" also ein Misch-Masch

Ja gut, das mit der Computerstimme liegt daran, weil du die Deutsche Version hast, wo viele Sprachdateien aus dem Original fehlen. Wie gesagt, FreiRaum ist einzig und allein eine Textübersetzung. Sämtliche Sprachdateien auf Deutsch haben hier also nichts mit zu tun. Es geht nur um Texte, die allerdings auch allesamt auf Deutsch sein müssten.

Das mit dem Log.. steht auch drin, dass er auf Deutsch umstellt. Also da sieht soweit alles okay ist.
An der Sprachumstellung scheitert es nicht, es ist auf Deutsch eingestellt und müsste daher auch die deutschen Texteinträge abfragen. Mir ein Rätsel, wieso er das nicht tut.

Vielen Dank Novachen, dass du dich meiner Problemchen annimmst! :super:

Ist ja immerhin mein Modpaket, was ich ganz alleine erstelle und verwalte. Ist ja das Mindeste, das ich dann auch versuche, dass es bei jedem läuft.
Und jedes Problem was auftritt und ich lösen kann, kann ich ggf. halt auch im Voraus beheben, damit es in Zukunft nicht mehr vorkommt.

Wo is eigentlich der Schalter in BtA für die Sprache?

Der wird im Ordner Sprachumschalter installiert. Beim All-in-One Installer erstellt dieser auch eine Verknüpfung im FreeSpace2 Verzeichnis und auf Wunsch auch auf Desktop. Aber ich denke nicht, dass dir das irgendwie helfen würde. Weil der Sprachumschalter macht auch nichts anderes als eine fs2open.ini mit integrierter Language=German-Einstellung ins entsprechende Verzeichnis zu kopieren, wo sich diese befindet. Und nach Beendigung des Spiels, stellt er alles wieder her, wie vorher.

In der FreeSpace Community dabei seit 1999!
Game-Producerin seit 2009!

Verantwortlich für:
FreeSpace: FreiRaum - Übersetzungsprojekt, welches eine Textübersetzung diverser FreeSpace Modifikation ins Deutsche durchführt.
2367: Supernova - Kampagne, die FreeSpace 2 neuinterpretiert.
Out of the Shadow - Nova Safiya Edition - Remake der 'Out of the Shadow'-Kampagne.

Ehemalige FreeSpace Projekte:
FreeSpace 2: Nova - Eigene Buildserie (2007-2017), Colony Wars: Remastered - Colony Wars Remake (Abbruch 2011) & StarLancer: The Sol War - StarLancer Remake und Fortsetzung (Release 2015, DMCA Takedown 2017)

Beiträge: 349 | Mitglied seit: November 2009 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 169

  Erstellt am 19. Mai 2018 12:40 (#7)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Habe das jetzt mal gemacht.

Folgende Reihenfolge habe ich durchgeführt:
FreeSpace 2
FreiRaum_FreeSpace2 in Vollinstallation

Hier gibt es bereits einen ersten Fehler, aus irgendeinem Grund wird die MV_Advanced.vp in einen Ordner MediaVPSotrs_2014 anstatt MediaVPS_2014 installiert. Hat keine Auswirkung auf die Übersetzung, aber auf die Grafik des Spiels.
Mir zugegeben seltsam, habe ich das Paket ja auch installiert seinerzeit und hatte diesen Fehler nicht. Werde aber natürlich das Installationsskript überprüfen und korrigieren für die nächste Version (dauert zum Glück nicht mehr so lange)

Also falls du diesen Ordner hast... die MV_Advanced.vp in die MediaVPs_2014 verschieben.
Das Spiel ist komplett auf Deutsch, inklusiver aller Bonusmissionen im Technikraum. In dem Fall auch mit deutscher Sprachausgabe.

Habe dann anschließend FreiRaum_fsport installiert, ebenfalls in Vollinstallation.
Ein Fehler betrifft dort das wxlauncher-Profil, weil es eine falsche Custom Flag hat... habe ich Expertin wohl was falsch gemacht damals bei der Inkludierung ins Installerpaket.
Da hatte ich tatsächlich einen Fehler, die Menüs sind Deutsch, man wird auch in der Pilotenauswahl mit "Deutsche Übersetzung" begrüßt. Die Missionen sind aber seltsamerweise allesamt auf Englisch. Ohne Ausnahme.
Habe da aber überhaupt keine deutschen Textfetzen.

Eine Untersuchung der Dateien hat da auch meine Befürchtung bestätigt. Aus irgendeinem Grund habe ich die Missionen aus meinem englischsprachigen Missionspaket seinerzeit in den Ordner für die Erstellung der Installation kopiert :uglylol:

Frag mich nicht, wieso mir das nicht aufgefallen ist, da ich diese Installer immer vorher auf meinem Zweitsystem installiere... könnte zwar was von Uhrzeit erzählen, wären aber nur Ausflüchte. Sowas MUSS mir natürlich auffallen.

Die gute Nachricht ist allerdings, nach Extraktion des Updates ins FreeSpace2-Verzeichnis ist alles so wie es sein soll. Texte sind vollständig auf Deutsch.

Deinen Misch-Masch kann ich also bedauerlicherweise nicht reproduzieren. Entweder habe ich in den Missionen selbst alles auf Englisch... oder auf Deutsch.

Im wxlauncher muss (Deutsche Version stehen.

Also nochmal zusammen gefasst:
FreeSpace 2
FreiRaum_freespace2 mit Vollinstallation, anschließend die Datei aus dem Ordner MediaVPSotrs_2014 in MediaVPs_2014 verschieben.
FreiRaum_fsport mit Vollinstallation.
FreiRaum_fsport_1.0.2.3 in den FreeSpace2-Ordner entpacken, damit die alten Dateien ersetzt werden.

FreiRaum: FreeSpace Port im wxLauncher als aktuelle Modifikation auswählen, Einstellungen treffen und dann auf Play drücken.

Sorry, tut mir leid, dass die Installer augenscheinlich fehlerhaft sind :(. Bist leider der erste, von dem ich richtig Feedback erhalte.
Bin zwar froh darüber, dass ich schon sehr bald eine neue Version der Installer hochladen muss, fühle mich aber auch gerade schrecklich, wenn ich daran denke, dass diese Installer so seit einem 3/4 Jahr im Internet zu finden sind :(

In der FreeSpace Community dabei seit 1999!
Game-Producerin seit 2009!

Verantwortlich für:
FreeSpace: FreiRaum - Übersetzungsprojekt, welches eine Textübersetzung diverser FreeSpace Modifikation ins Deutsche durchführt.
2367: Supernova - Kampagne, die FreeSpace 2 neuinterpretiert.
Out of the Shadow - Nova Safiya Edition - Remake der 'Out of the Shadow'-Kampagne.

Ehemalige FreeSpace Projekte:
FreeSpace 2: Nova - Eigene Buildserie (2007-2017), Colony Wars: Remastered - Colony Wars Remake (Abbruch 2011) & StarLancer: The Sol War - StarLancer Remake und Fortsetzung (Release 2015, DMCA Takedown 2017)

Beiträge: 349 | Mitglied seit: November 2009 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 292

  Erstellt am 20. Mai 2018 12:07 (#8)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Nach der Anleitung funktioniert es. Hab jetzt die deutschen Texte im Briefing und der Mission. Warum, weiß ich nicht. Vielleicht hatte ich das mit dem Paket FreiRaum_fsport_1.0.2.3 irgendwie verratzt?
Bei Freespace2 ist der Sprach-Misch-Masch aber noch. Der Instructor toffelt mich auf englisch zu und wenn ich auf ihn schieß kommt auf deutsch "Ungültiges Ziel! Nicht feuern!" aus den Boxen gescheppert. Oder is das so gut?
Naja, vielen Dank erstmal für die fantastische Hilfe und schöne Pfingsten noch!
*VERNEIG* :) :daumenhoch:

Natürlich kann man sich über Leute ärgern... Man kann aber auch Kekse essen.

Beiträge: 7 | Mitglied seit: Mai 2018 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 169

  Erstellt am 20. Mai 2018 12:35 (#9)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Bei Freespace2 ist der Sprach-Misch-Masch aber noch. Der Instructor toffelt mich auf englisch zu und wenn ich auf ihn schieß kommt auf deutsch "Ungültiges Ziel! Nicht feuern!" aus den Boxen gescheppert. Oder is das so gut?

Das kann in der ersten Tutorialmissionen tatsächlich vorkommen, weil zumindest die erste Mission teilweise die gleichen Dateien verwendet, wie die von mir integrierte Demokampagne, wo ich die Sprachdateien aus der Demo übernommen habe. Die sind dann natürlich englisch. Also in der ersten Mission kann es daher einen seltsamen Mischmasch geben. Aber das ist ja auch nur eine Pre-Alpha. Ich denke für die vollständige Version wird das wahrscheinlich geändert, das jede Mission ihre eigenen Sprachdateien verwendet. (wobei in einer Vollversion auch die englischen Sprachdateien wohl dabei sein werden, eben weil sie vollständiger vertont ist)

Also dieser Fehler bei FreeSpace2 betrifft nur die erste Ausbildungsmission.

In der FreeSpace Community dabei seit 1999!
Game-Producerin seit 2009!

Verantwortlich für:
FreeSpace: FreiRaum - Übersetzungsprojekt, welches eine Textübersetzung diverser FreeSpace Modifikation ins Deutsche durchführt.
2367: Supernova - Kampagne, die FreeSpace 2 neuinterpretiert.
Out of the Shadow - Nova Safiya Edition - Remake der 'Out of the Shadow'-Kampagne.

Ehemalige FreeSpace Projekte:
FreeSpace 2: Nova - Eigene Buildserie (2007-2017), Colony Wars: Remastered - Colony Wars Remake (Abbruch 2011) & StarLancer: The Sol War - StarLancer Remake und Fortsetzung (Release 2015, DMCA Takedown 2017)

Beiträge: 349 | Mitglied seit: November 2009 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 292

  Erstellt am 20. Mai 2018 22:25 (#10)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Gut, das is ja dann kein Problem!
Hab grad mal bissl angezockt und Gänsehaut! Beeindruckend!!!
Kann mich zwar erinnern das schonmal in HD angespielt zu haben, war aber so fehlerbelastet, dass man es nicht genießen konnte...
Ich sag mal: ALLE 10 DAUMEN NACH OBEN!!!

...Nichtsdestotrotz... aus der Nase fließt kee Leim! Wie wir Sachsen sagen würden :D
Bist an bissl konstruktiver und kosmetischer Kritik interessiert? Nich in diesen Thread... wir finden da nen Weg... mir sind da paar Kleinigkeiten aufgefallen... wenn du magst? Vielleicht kennst ja schon paar Sachen davon...

Natürlich kann man sich über Leute ärgern... Man kann aber auch Kekse essen.

Beiträge: 7 | Mitglied seit: Mai 2018 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 169

  Erstellt am 20. Mai 2018 22:31 (#11)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Meinst du Feedback zur Übersetzung?

Ja gerne. Wärst der erste :P.

Also zumindest wenn du jetzt nicht von FreeSpace 2 redest... da habe ich noch nichts dran gemacht, da wäre das die originale Übersetzung :D

Aber beim FreeSpace Port... ja sicher.
Habe recht viele Rechtschreibfehler ausgebügelt für das kommende Update. Aber alles was du in der aktuellen Version findest, kann trotzdem hilfreich sein :)

In der FreeSpace Community dabei seit 1999!
Game-Producerin seit 2009!

Verantwortlich für:
FreeSpace: FreiRaum - Übersetzungsprojekt, welches eine Textübersetzung diverser FreeSpace Modifikation ins Deutsche durchführt.
2367: Supernova - Kampagne, die FreeSpace 2 neuinterpretiert.
Out of the Shadow - Nova Safiya Edition - Remake der 'Out of the Shadow'-Kampagne.

Ehemalige FreeSpace Projekte:
FreeSpace 2: Nova - Eigene Buildserie (2007-2017), Colony Wars: Remastered - Colony Wars Remake (Abbruch 2011) & StarLancer: The Sol War - StarLancer Remake und Fortsetzung (Release 2015, DMCA Takedown 2017)

Beiträge: 349 | Mitglied seit: November 2009 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 292

  Erstellt am 20. Mai 2018 23:47 (#12)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Ja mei liebes Novachen! :zustimm:
Ich mein Feedback! :loveforever: Zocke grad den Freespace Port... Is nicht Rechtschreibung... eher Ausdruck und ein wenig kosmetische Sachen, die mir so bissl optisch defizil margieren! :LOL:
Gibst mir ne Mitteilung ob eines alternativen Weges.
Die Informationen eines unwürdigen Sterblichen sollen der wohlwollend lächelnden Göttin des Freiraumes zuträglich sein! :lovefreespace: :super:

Natürlich kann man sich über Leute ärgern... Man kann aber auch Kekse essen.

Beiträge: 7 | Mitglied seit: Mai 2018 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 169

  Erstellt am 21. Mai 2018 01:11 (#13)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Möglich sind Feedbacks auf folgendem Wege:

FreiRaum Entwicklungsthread

FreiRaum: FreeSpace Port Releasethread

Eine E-Mail an: novachen[at]

Darüber hinaus auch noch:
Eine Private Nachricht im Forum

Private Nachricht auf ModDB (Ich glaube ohne ModDB Account geht das nicht, bin aber nicht sicher)

Eine private Nachricht über YouTube (Google-Account nötig)

Private Nachricht auf HLP (HLP-Account nötig)

Brauchst du wirklich eine Echtzeitkonversion, lebe ich abseits vom Job als Privatperson doch ziemlich zurückgezogen (Man kann sagen, ich rede nur gegen Geld mit fremden Leuten im Internet :P). Die angegebene ICQ Nummer ist noch korrekt und wird von mir auch noch benutzt. Bin damit mit 2-3 Freundinnen (und meinem Mann :D) wohl mit die letzte, die noch aktiv auf diese Weise damit chattet :D.

Ansonsten... vielleicht in irgendeinem IRC Raum? Wobei IRC nutzt heutzutage wohl auch niemand mehr :D

In der FreeSpace Community dabei seit 1999!
Game-Producerin seit 2009!

Verantwortlich für:
FreeSpace: FreiRaum - Übersetzungsprojekt, welches eine Textübersetzung diverser FreeSpace Modifikation ins Deutsche durchführt.
2367: Supernova - Kampagne, die FreeSpace 2 neuinterpretiert.
Out of the Shadow - Nova Safiya Edition - Remake der 'Out of the Shadow'-Kampagne.

Ehemalige FreeSpace Projekte:
FreeSpace 2: Nova - Eigene Buildserie (2007-2017), Colony Wars: Remastered - Colony Wars Remake (Abbruch 2011) & StarLancer: The Sol War - StarLancer Remake und Fortsetzung (Release 2015, DMCA Takedown 2017)

Beiträge: 349 | Mitglied seit: November 2009 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert
ID # 292

  Erstellt am 24. Mai 2018 13:39 (#14)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
Gut ich werde mich melden, zock es erstmal bissl weiter!

Bis denn und danke nochmal! :daumenhoch:

Natürlich kann man sich über Leute ärgern... Man kann aber auch Kekse essen.

Beiträge: 7 | Mitglied seit: Mai 2018 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert

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